Our Beloved Pope’s message to the Youth
Whenever a young person falls, in some sense all humanity falls.
Yet it is also true that when a young person rises, it is as if the whole world rises as well.
Young people, what great potential you have in your hands!
What great strength you have in your hearts!
Today too, God is saying to each one of you: “Arise!”
I fervently hope that this Message may help us prepare for new times and a new page in the history of humanity. Yet we cannot begin anew without you, dear young people. If our world is to arise, it needs your strength, your enthusiasm, your passion.
I would like, then, to meditate with you on the passage of the Acts of the Apostles where Jesus says to Saint Paul:
“Arise! I have appointed you to testify to what you have seen” (cf. Acts 26:16)-Pope Francis

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